Source code for mosfit.modules.seds.multiblackbody

"""Definitions for the `MultiBlackbody` class."""
from math import pi

import numexpr as ne
import numpy as np
from astropy import constants as c
from mosfit.constants import DAY_CGS, FOUR_PI, KM_CGS, M_SUN_CGS  # noqa: F401
from mosfit.modules.seds.sed import SED

# Important: Only define one ``Module`` class per file.

[docs]class MultiBlackbody(SED): """Generalized multiple blackbody spectral energy distribution.""" FLUX_CONST = FOUR_PI * (2.0 * c.h / (c.c ** 2) * pi).cgs.value X_CONST = (c.h / c.k_B).cgs.value STEF_CONST = (4.0 * pi * c.sigma_sb).cgs.value
[docs] def process(self, **kwargs): """Process module.""" raise NotImplementedError('`MultiBlackbody` is not yet functional.') kwargs = self.prepare_input(self.key('luminosities'), **kwargs) self._luminosities = kwargs[self.key('luminosities')] self._bands = kwargs['all_bands'] self._band_indices = kwargs['all_band_indices'] self._areas = kwargs[self.key('areas')] self._radius_phots = kwargs[self.key('radiusphots')] self._temperature_phots = kwargs[self.key('temperaturephots')] xc = self.X_CONST # noqa: F841 fc = self.FLUX_CONST # noqa: F841 zp1 = 1.0 + kwargs[self.key('redshift')] seds = [] for li, lum in enumerate(self._luminosities): cur_band = self._bands[li] # noqa: F841 bi = self._band_indices[li] rest_freqs = [x * zp1 # noqa: F841 for x in self._sample_frequencies[bi]] wav_arr = np.array(self._sample_wavelengths[bi]) # noqa: F841 radius_phot = self._radius_phots[li] # noqa: F841 temperature_phot = self._temperature_phots[li] # noqa: F841 if li == 0: sed = ne.evaluate( 'fc * radius_phot**2 * rest_freqs**3 / ' '(exp(xc * rest_freqs / temperature_phot) - 1.0)') else: sed = ne.re_evaluate() sed = np.nan_to_num(sed) seds.append(list(sed)) seds = self.add_to_existing_seds(seds, **kwargs) # Units of `seds` is ergs / s / Angstrom. return {'sample_wavelengths': self._sample_wavelengths, self.key('seds'): seds}