Source code for mosfit.modules.photospheres.tde_photosphere

"""Definitions for the `TdePhotosphere` class."""
from math import pi

# import numexpr as ne
import numpy as np
from astropy import constants as c
from mosfit.constants import C_CGS, DAY_CGS, KM_CGS, M_SUN_CGS  # FOUR_PI
from mosfit.modules.photospheres.photosphere import Photosphere

# from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs]class TdePhotosphere(Photosphere): """Photosphere for a tidal disruption event. Photosphere that expands/recedes as a power law of Mdot (or equivalently L (proportional to Mdot) ). """ STEF_CONST = (4.0 * pi * c.sigma_sb).cgs.value RAD_CONST = KM_CGS * DAY_CGS
[docs] def process(self, **kwargs): """Process module.""" kwargs = self.prepare_input('luminosities', **kwargs) self._times = np.array(kwargs['rest_times']) self._Mh = kwargs['bhmass'] self._Mstar = kwargs['starmass'] self._l = kwargs['lphoto'] self._Rph_0 = kwargs['Rph0'] self._luminosities = np.array(kwargs['luminosities']) self._rest_t_explosion = kwargs['resttexplosion'] self._beta = kwargs['beta'] # for now linearly interp between # beta43 and beta53 for a given 'b' if Mstar is in transition region Rsolar = c.R_sun.cgs.value self._Rstar = kwargs['Rstar'] * Rsolar # Assume solar metallicity for now kappa_t = 0.2 * (1 + 0.74) # 0.2*(1 + X) = mean Thomson opacity tpeak = kwargs['tpeak'] Ledd = (4 * np.pi * c.G.cgs.value * self._Mh * M_SUN_CGS * C_CGS / kappa_t) rt = (self._Mh / self._Mstar)**(1. / 3.) * self._Rstar self._rp = rt / self._beta r_isco = 6 * c.G.cgs.value * self._Mh * M_SUN_CGS / (C_CGS * C_CGS) rphotmin = r_isco a_p = (c.G.cgs.value * self._Mh * M_SUN_CGS * (( tpeak - self._rest_t_explosion) * DAY_CGS / np.pi)**2)**(1. / 3.) # semi-major axis of material that accretes at self._times, # only calculate for times after first mass accretion a_t = (c.G.cgs.value * self._Mh * M_SUN_CGS * (( self._times - self._rest_t_explosion) * DAY_CGS / np.pi)**2)**( 1. / 3.) a_t[self._times < self._rest_t_explosion] = 0.0 rphotmax = self._rp + 2 * a_t # adding rphotmin on to rphot for soft min # also creating soft max -- inverse( 1/rphot + 1/rphotmax) rphot = self._Rph_0 * a_p * (self._luminosities / Ledd)**self._l rphot = (rphot * rphotmax) / (rphot + rphotmax) + rphotmin Tphot = (self._luminosities / (rphot**2 * self.STEF_CONST))**0.25 return {'radiusphot': rphot, 'temperaturephot': Tphot, 'rp': self._rp}