Source code for mosfit.modules.objectives.likelihood

"""Definitions for the `Likelihood` class."""
from math import isnan

import numpy as np
import scipy

from mosfit.constants import LIKELIHOOD_FLOOR
from mosfit.modules.module import Module

# Important: Only define one ``Module`` class per file.

[docs]class Likelihood(Module): """Calculate the maximum likelihood score for a model.""" MIN_COV_TERM = 1.0e-30 def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize `Likelihood` module.""" super(Likelihood, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._cuda_reported = False self._use_cpu = None if not self._model._fitter._cuda: self._use_cpu = True
[docs] def process(self, **kwargs): """Calculate the likelihood, returning ln(likelihood).""" ret = {'value': LIKELIHOOD_FLOOR} self._fractions = kwargs.get('fractions', []) if not self._fractions: return ret self._model_observations = kwargs['model_observations'] self._score_modifier = kwargs.get(self.key('score_modifier'), 0.0) self._upper_limits = np.array(kwargs.get('upperlimits', []), dtype=bool) value = ret['value'] if min(self._fractions) < 0.0 or max(self._fractions) > 1.0: return ret for oi, obs in enumerate(self._model_observations): if not self._upper_limits[oi] and (isnan(obs) or not np.isfinite(obs)): return ret diag = kwargs.get('kdiagonal', None) residuals = kwargs.get('kresiduals', None) if diag is None or residuals is None: return ret if kwargs.get('kmat', None) is not None: kmat = kwargs['kmat'] # Add observed errors to diagonal kmat[np.diag_indices_from(kmat)] += diag # full_size = np.count_nonzero(kmat) # Remove small covariance terms # min_cov = self.MIN_COV_TERM * np.max(kmat) # kmat[kmat <= min_cov] = 0.0 # print("Sparse frac: {:.2%}".format( # float(full_size - np.count_nonzero(kmat)) / full_size)) condn = np.linalg.cond(kmat) if condn > 1.0e10: return ret if self._use_cpu is not True and self._model._fitter._cuda: try: import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray import skcuda.linalg as skla except ImportError: self._use_cpu = True if not self._cuda_reported: self._printer.message( 'cuda_not_enabled', master_only=True, warning=True) else: self._use_cpu = False if not self._cuda_reported: self._printer.message('cuda_enabled', master_only=True) self._cuda_reported = True kmat_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(kmat) # kmat will now contain the cholesky decomp. skla.cholesky(kmat_gpu, lib='cusolver') value = -np.log(skla.det(kmat_gpu, lib='cusolver')) res_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(residuals.reshape( len(residuals), 1)) cho_mat_gpu = res_gpu.copy() skla.cho_solve(kmat_gpu, cho_mat_gpu, lib='cusolver') value -= (0.5 * ( skla.mdot(skla.transpose(res_gpu), cho_mat_gpu)).get())[0][0] if self._use_cpu: try: chol_kmat = scipy.linalg.cholesky(kmat, check_finite=False) value = -np.linalg.slogdet(chol_kmat)[-1] value -= 0.5 * ( np.matmul(residuals.T, scipy.linalg.cho_solve( (chol_kmat, False), residuals, check_finite=False))) except Exception: try: value = -0.5 * ( np.matmul( np.matmul( residuals.T, scipy.linalg.inv(kmat)), residuals) + np.log(scipy.linalg.det(kmat))) except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError: return ret ret['kdiagonal'] = diag ret['kresiduals'] = residuals elif 'kfmat' in kwargs: raise RuntimeError('Should not have kfmat in likelihood!') else: # Shortcut when matrix is diagonal. self._o_band_vs = kwargs['obandvs'] # print('likelihood') # print(np.sqrt(diag)) # print(self._o_band_vs) # print(residuals) value = -0.5 * np.sum( residuals ** 2 / (self._o_band_vs ** 2 + diag) + np.log(self._o_band_vs ** 2 + diag)) score = self._score_modifier + value if isnan(score) or not np.isfinite(score): return ret ret['value'] = max(LIKELIHOOD_FLOOR, score) return ret