Source code for mosfit.modules.engines.simplefallback

"""Definitions for the `Simplefallback` class."""
from math import isnan

import numpy as np
from astrocats.catalog.source import SOURCE

from mosfit.constants import DAY_CGS
from mosfit.modules.engines.engine import Engine

# Important: Only define one ``Module`` class per file.

[docs]class Simplefallback(Engine): """ Simple fallback energy input. Flat energy at first and then proportional to t**(-5/3). """ _REFERENCES = [{SOURCE.BIBCODE: '2013ApJ...772...30D'}]
[docs] def process(self, **kwargs): """Process module.""" self._times = kwargs[self.key('dense_times')] self._L0 = kwargs[self.key('Lat1sec')] self._ton1 = kwargs[self.key('ton')] self._rest_t_explosion = kwargs[self.key('resttexplosion')] ts = [ np.inf if self._rest_t_explosion > x else (x - self._rest_t_explosion) for x in self._times ] luminosities = [ self._L0 / (t * DAY_CGS)**(5. / 3.) if t - self._ton1 > 0 else self._L0 / (self._ton1 * DAY_CGS)**(5. / 3.) for t in ts ] luminosities = [0.0 if isnan(x) else x for x in luminosities] return {self.dense_key('luminosities'): luminosities}