Source code for mosfit.modules.seds.losextinction

"""Definitions for the `LOSExtinction` class."""
from collections import OrderedDict

import astropy.constants as c
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from mosfit.modules.seds.sed import SED

from extinction import apply as eapp
from extinction import odonnell94

# Important: Only define one ``Module`` class per file.

[docs]class LOSExtinction(SED): """Adds extinction to SED from both host galaxy and MW.""" MW_RV = 3.1 H_CGS = c.h.cgs.value C_CGS = c.c.cgs.value H_C_CGS = c.h.cgs.value * c.c.cgs.value ANG_CGS = u.Angstrom.cgs.scale KEV_CGS = u.keV.cgs.scale LYMAN = 912.0 def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize module.""" super(LOSExtinction, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._ref_table = { '1': [ {'bibcode': '1994ApJ...422..158O'} ], '2': [ {'bibcode': '1983ApJ...270..119M'}, {'bibcode': '1994AJ....107.2108R'} ] } self._mm83 = np.array( [[0.03, 17.3, 608.1, -2150.0], [0.1, 34.6, 267.9, -476.1], [0.284, 78.1, 18.8, 4.3], [0.4, 71.4, 66.8, -51.4], [0.532, 95.5, 145.8, -61.1], [0.707, 308.9, -380.6, 294.0], [0.867, 120.6, 169.3, -47.7], [1.303, 141.3, 146.8, -31.5], [1.84, 202.7, 104.7, -17.0], [2.471, 342.7, 18.7, 0.0], [3.21, 352.2, 18.7, 0.0], [4.038, 433.9, -2.4, 0.75], [7.111, 629.0, 30.9, 0.0], [8.331, 701.2, 25.2, 0.0] ]) self._min_xray = 0.03 self._max_xray = 10.0 self._min_wavelength = 1.0 * self.C_CGS / ( self._max_xray * self.KEV_CGS / self.H_CGS) self._almin = 1.0e-24 * ( self._mm83[0, 1] + self._mm83[0, 2] * self._min_xray + self._mm83[0, 3] * self._min_xray ** 2) / self._min_xray ** 3 self._almax = 1.0e-24 * ( self._mm83[-1, 1] + self._mm83[-1, 2] * self._max_xray + self._mm83[-1, 3] * self._max_xray ** 2) / self._max_xray ** 3
[docs] def process(self, **kwargs): """Process module.""" kwargs = self.prepare_input(self.key('luminosities'), **kwargs) self.preprocess(**kwargs) zp1 = 1.0 + kwargs[self.key('redshift')] self._seds = kwargs[self.key('seds')] self._nh_host = kwargs[self.key('nhhost')] self._rv_host = kwargs[self.key('rvhost')] self._bands = kwargs['all_bands'] self._band_indices = kwargs['all_band_indices'] self._frequencies = kwargs['all_frequencies'] self._band_rest_wavelengths = self._sample_wavelengths / zp1 av_host = self._nh_host / 1.8e21 extinct_cache = OrderedDict() for si, cur_band in enumerate(self._bands): bi = self._band_indices[si] # Extinct out host gal (using rest wavelengths) if bi >= 0: if bi not in extinct_cache: extinct_cache[bi] = np.zeros_like( self._band_rest_wavelengths[bi]) ind = self._ext_indices[bi] if len(ind) > 0: extinct_cache[bi][ind] = odonnell94( self._band_rest_wavelengths[bi][ind], av_host, self._rv_host) ind = self._x_indices[bi] if len(ind) > 0: extinct_cache[bi][ind] = self.mm83( self._nh_host, self._band_rest_wavelengths[bi][ind]) # Add host and MW contributions eapp( self._mw_extinct[bi] + extinct_cache[bi], self._seds[si], inplace=True) else: # wavelengths = np.array( # [c.c.cgs.value / self._frequencies[si]]) # Need extinction function for radio pass # Units of `seds` is ergs / s / Angstrom. return { 'sample_wavelengths': self._sample_wavelengths, self.key('seds'): self._seds, self.key('avhost'): av_host }
[docs] def preprocess(self, **kwargs): """Preprocess module.""" if self._preprocessed: return self._ebv = kwargs[self.key('ebv')] self._av_mw = self.MW_RV * self._ebv self._nh_mw = self._av_mw * 1.8e21 # Pre-calculate LOS dust from MW for all bands self._mw_extinct = np.zeros_like(self._sample_wavelengths) self._ext_indices = [] self._x_indices = [] add_refs = set() for si, sw in enumerate(self._sample_wavelengths): self._ext_indices.append( self._sample_wavelengths[si] >= self.LYMAN) self._x_indices.append( (self._sample_wavelengths[si] >= self._min_wavelength) & (self._sample_wavelengths[si] < self.LYMAN)) if len(self._ext_indices[si]) > 0: self._mw_extinct[si][self._ext_indices[si]] = odonnell94( self._sample_wavelengths[si][self._ext_indices[si]], self._av_mw, self.MW_RV) add_refs.add('1') if len(self._x_indices[si]) > 0: self._mw_extinct[si][self._x_indices[si]] = self.mm83( self._nh_mw, self._sample_wavelengths[si][self._x_indices[si]]) add_refs.add('2') for ref in list(add_refs): self._REFERENCES.extend(self._ref_table[ref]) self._preprocessed = True
[docs] def mm83(self, nh, waves): """X-ray extinction in the ISM from Morisson & McCammon 1983.""" y = np.array([self.H_C_CGS / (x * self.ANG_CGS * self.KEV_CGS) for x in waves]) i = np.array([np.searchsorted(self._mm83[:, 0], x) - 1 for x in y]) al = [1.0e-24 * (self._mm83[x, 1] + self._mm83[x, 2] * y[j] + self._mm83[x, 3] * y[j] ** 2) / y[j] ** 3 for j, x in enumerate(i)] # For less than 0.03 keV assume cross-section scales as E^-3. # # See also Rumph, Boyer, & Vennes 1994. al = [al[j] if x < self._min_xray else self._almin * (self._min_xray / x) ** 3 for j, x in enumerate(y)] al = [al[j] if x > self._max_xray else self._almax * (self._max_xray / x) ** 3 for j, x in enumerate(y)] return nh * np.array(al)