Source code for mosfit.modules.engines.fallback

"""Definitions for the `Fallback` class."""
import os

import astropy.constants as c
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from mosfit.constants import C_CGS, DAY_CGS, FOUR_PI, M_SUN_CGS
from mosfit.modules.engines.engine import Engine

CLASS_NAME = 'Fallback'

[docs]class Fallback(Engine): """A tde engine.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize module. Loads and interpolates tde simulation data. Simulation data is from Guillochon 2013 and can be found on The files in data directory have been converted from dm/dt space to dm/de space. """ super(Fallback, self).__init__(**kwargs) G = c.G.cgs.value # 6.67259e-8 cm3 g-1 s-2 Mhbase = 1.0e6 * M_SUN_CGS # this is the generic size of bh used self.EXTRAPOLATE = True # ------ DIRECTORY PARAMETERS ------- # It is assumed that there are different files for each beta # (such as 2.500.dat for beta = 2.5) # The first row is energy, the second is dmde. self._gammas = ['4-3', '5-3'] # dictionaries with gamma's as keys. self._beta_slope = {self._gammas[0]: [], self._gammas[1]: []} self._beta_yinter = {self._gammas[0]: [], self._gammas[1]: []} self._sim_beta = {self._gammas[0]: [], self._gammas[1]: []} self._mapped_time = {self._gammas[0]: [], self._gammas[1]: []} # for converting back from mapped time to actual times and doing # interpolation in actual time self._premaptime = {self._gammas[0]: [], self._gammas[1]: []} self._premapdmdt = {self._gammas[0]: [], self._gammas[1]: []} for g in self._gammas: dmdedir = (os.path.dirname(__file__)[:-15] + 'models/tde/data/' + g + '/') # --------- GET SIMULATION BETAS ----------------- sim_beta_files = os.listdir(dmdedir) simbeta = [float(b[:-4]) for b in sim_beta_files] sortedindices = np.argsort(simbeta) simbeta = [simbeta[i] for i in sortedindices] sim_beta_files = [sim_beta_files[i] for i in sortedindices] self._sim_beta[g].extend(simbeta) # ----- CREATE INTERPOLATION FUNCTIONS; FIND SLOPES & YINTERs ----- time = {} dmdt = {} ipeak = {} mapped_time = {} # get dmdt and t for the lowest beta value # energy & dmde (cgs) e, d = np.loadtxt(dmdedir + sim_beta_files[0]) # only convert dm/de --> dm/dt for mass that is bound to BH (e < 0) ebound = e[e < 0] dmdebound = d[e < 0] if min(dmdebound) < 0: # shouldn't happen, just a check print('beta, gamma, negative dmde bound:', self._sim_beta[g], g, dmdebound[dmdebound < 0]) # calculate de/dt, time and dm/dt arrays # de/dt in log(/s), time in log(seconds), dm/dt in log(g/s) dedt = (1.0 / 3.0) * (-2.0 * ebound) ** (5.0 / 2.0) / \ (2.0 * np.pi * G * Mhbase) time['lo'] = np.log10((2.0 * np.pi * G * Mhbase) * (-2.0 * ebound) ** (-3.0 / 2.0)) dmdt['lo'] = np.log10(dmdebound * dedt) ipeak['lo'] = np.argmax(dmdt['lo']) # split time['lo'] & dmdt['lo'] into pre-peak and post-peak array time['lo'] = np.array([ time['lo'][:ipeak['lo']], time['lo'][ipeak['lo']:]]) # peak in array 2 dmdt['lo'] = np.array([ dmdt['lo'][:ipeak['lo']], dmdt['lo'][ipeak['lo']:]]) # peak in array 2 # will contain time/dmdt arrays # (split into pre & post peak times/dmdts) # for each beta value self._premaptime[g].append(np.copy(time['lo'])) self._premapdmdt[g].append(np.copy(dmdt['lo'])) for i in range(1, len(self._sim_beta[g])): # indexing this way bc calculating slope and yintercepts # BETWEEN each simulation beta e, d = np.loadtxt(dmdedir + sim_beta_files[i]) # only convert dm/de --> dm/dt for mass bound to BH (e < 0) ebound = e[e < 0] dmdebound = d[e < 0] if min(dmdebound) < 0: # shouldn't happen, just a check print('beta, gamma, negative dmde bound:', self._sim_beta[g], g, dmdebound[dmdebound < 0]) # calculate de/dt, time and dm/dt arrays # de/dt in log(erg/s), time in log(seconds), dm/dt in log(g/s) dedt = (1.0 / 3.0) * (-2.0 * ebound) ** (5.0 / 2.0) / \ (2.0 * np.pi * G * Mhbase) time['hi'] = np.log10((2.0 * np.pi * G * Mhbase) * (-2.0 * ebound) ** (-3.0 / 2.0)) dmdt['hi'] = np.log10(dmdebound * dedt) ipeak['hi'] = np.argmax(dmdt['hi']) # split time_hi and dmdt_hi into pre-peak and post-peak array # peak in 2nd array time['hi'] = np.array([time['hi'][:ipeak['hi']], time['hi'][ipeak['hi']:]]) dmdt['hi'] = np.array([dmdt['hi'][:ipeak['hi']], dmdt['hi'][ipeak['hi']:]]) # will contain time/dmdt arrays # (split into pre & post peak times/dmdts) # for each beta value self._premapdmdt[g].append(np.copy(dmdt['hi'])) self._premaptime[g].append(np.copy(time['hi'])) mapped_time['hi'] = [] mapped_time['lo'] = [] self._beta_slope[g].append([]) self._beta_yinter[g].append([]) self._mapped_time[g].append([]) for j in [0, 1]: # once before peak, once after peak # choose more densely sampled curve to map times to 0-1 # less densely sampled curve will be interpolated to match if len(time['lo'][j]) < len(time['hi'][j]): # hi array more densely sampled interp = 'lo' nointerp = 'hi' else: # will also catch case where they have the same lengths interp = 'hi' nointerp = 'lo' # map times from more densely sampled curves # (both pre & post peak, might be from diff. dmdts) # to 0 - 1 mapped_time[nointerp].append( 1. / (time[nointerp][j][-1] - time[nointerp][j][0]) * (time[nointerp][j] - time[nointerp][j][0])) mapped_time[interp].append( 1. / (time[interp][j][-1] - time[interp][j][0]) * (time[interp][j] - time[interp][j][0])) # ensure bounds are same for interp and nointerp # before interpolation # (should be 0 and 1 from above, but could be slightly off # due to rounding errors in python) mapped_time[interp][j][0] = 0 mapped_time[interp][j][-1] = 1 mapped_time[nointerp][j][0] = 0 mapped_time[nointerp][j][-1] = 1 func = interp1d(mapped_time[interp][j], dmdt[interp][j]) dmdtinterp = func(mapped_time[nointerp][j]) if interp == 'hi': slope = ((dmdtinterp - dmdt['lo'][j]) / (self._sim_beta[g][i] - self._sim_beta[g][ i - 1])) else: slope = ((dmdt['hi'][j] - dmdtinterp) / (self._sim_beta[g][i] - self._sim_beta[g][ i - 1])) self._beta_slope[g][-1].append(slope) yinter1 = (dmdt[nointerp][j] - self._beta_slope[g][-1][j] * self._sim_beta[g][i - 1]) yinter2 = (dmdtinterp - self._beta_slope[g][-1][j] * self._sim_beta[g][i]) self._beta_yinter[g][-1].append((yinter1 + yinter2) / 2.0) self._mapped_time[g][-1].append( np.array(mapped_time[nointerp][j])) time['lo'] = np.copy(time['hi']) dmdt['lo'] = np.copy(dmdt['hi'])
[docs] def process(self, **kwargs): """Process module.""" beta_interp = True beta_outside_range = False Mhbase = 1.0e6 # in units of Msolar, this is generic Mh used # in astrocrash sims Mstarbase = 1.0 # in units of Msolar Rstarbase = 1.0 # in units of Rsolar # this is not beta, but rather a way to map beta_4-3 --> beta_5-3 # b = 0 --> min disruption, b = 1 --> full disruption, # b = 2 --> max beta of sims self._b = kwargs['b'] if 0 <= self._b < 1: # 0.6 is min disruption beta for gamma = 4/3 # 1.85 is full disruption beta for gamma = 4/3 beta43 = 0.6 + 1.25 * self._b # 0.6 + (1.85 - 0.6)*b # 0.5 is min disruption beta for gamma = 5/3 # 0.9 is full disruption beta for gamma = 5/3 beta53 = 0.5 + 0.4 * self._b # 0.5 + (0.9 - 0.5)*b self._betas = {'4-3': beta43, '5-3': beta53} elif 1 <= self._b <= 2: beta43 = 1.85 + 2.15 * (self._b - 1) beta53 = 0.9 + 1.6 * (self._b - 1) self._betas = {'4-3': beta43, '5-3': beta53} else: self._printer.prt( 'b outside range, bmin = 0; bmax = 2; b = {}'.format( self._b)) self._b = 2.0 if self._b > 2 else 0.0 beta_outside_range = True # GET GAMMA VALUE gamma_interp = False self._Mstar = kwargs.get(self.key('starmass')) if self._Mstar <= 0.3 or self._Mstar >= 22: gammas = [self._gammas[1]] # gamma = ['5-3'] self._beta = self._betas['5-3'] elif 1 <= self._Mstar <= 15: gammas = [self._gammas[0]] # gamma = ['4-3'] self._beta = self._betas['4-3'] elif 0.3 < self._Mstar < 1: # region going from gamma = 5/3 to gamma = 4/3 as mass increases gamma_interp = True gammas = self._gammas # gfrac should == 0 for 4/3; == 1 for 5/3 gfrac = (self._Mstar - 1.) / (0.3 - 1.) # beta_43 is always larger than beta_53 self._beta = self._betas['5-3'] + ( self._betas['4-3'] - self._betas['5-3']) * (1. - gfrac) elif 15 < self._Mstar < 22: # region going from gamma = 4/3 to gamma = 5/3 as mass increases gamma_interp = True gammas = self._gammas # gfrac should == 0 for 4/3; == 1 for 5/3 gfrac = (self._Mstar - 15.) / (22. - 15.) # beta_43 is always larger than beta_53 self._beta = self._betas['5-3'] + ( self._betas['4-3'] - self._betas['5-3']) * (1. - gfrac) timedict = {} # will hold time arrays for each g in gammas dmdtdict = {} # will hold dmdt arrays for each g in gammas for g in gammas: # find simulation betas to interpolate between for i in range(len(self._sim_beta[g])): if self._betas[g] == self._sim_beta[g][i]: # no need to interp, already have dmdt & t for this beta beta_interp = False interp_index_low = i break if self._betas[g] < self._sim_beta[g][i]: interp_index_high = i interp_index_low = i - 1 beta_interp = True break if beta_interp: # ----------- LINEAR BETA INTERPOLATION -------------- # get new dmdts (2 arrays, pre & post peak (peak in array 2)) # use interp_index_low bc of how slope and yintercept are saved # (slope[0] corresponds to between beta[0] and beta[1] etc.) dmdt = np.array([ self._beta_yinter[g][interp_index_low][0] + self._beta_slope[g][interp_index_low][0] * self._betas[g], self._beta_yinter[g][interp_index_low][1] + self._beta_slope[g][interp_index_low][1] * self._betas[g]]) # map mapped_times back to actual times, requires interpolation # in time # first for pre peak times time = [] for i in [0, 1]: # interp_index_low indexes beta # mapped time between beta low and beta high time_betalo = ( self._mapped_time[g][interp_index_low][i] * (self._premaptime[g][interp_index_low][i][-1] - self._premaptime[g][interp_index_low][i][0]) + self._premaptime[g][interp_index_low][i][0]) time_betahi = ( self._mapped_time[g][interp_index_low][i] * (self._premaptime[g][interp_index_high][i][-1] - self._premaptime[g][interp_index_high][i][0]) + self._premaptime[g][interp_index_high][i][0]) time.append( time_betalo + (time_betahi - time_betalo) * (self._betas[g] - self._sim_beta[g][interp_index_low]) / (self._sim_beta[g][interp_index_high] - self._sim_beta[g][interp_index_low])) time = np.array(time) timedict[g] = time dmdtdict[g] = dmdt elif not beta_interp: timedict[g] = np.copy(self._premaptime[g][interp_index_low]) dmdtdict[g] = np.copy(self._premapdmdt[g][interp_index_low]) # ---------------- GAMMA INTERPOLATION ------------------- if gamma_interp: mapped_time = {'4-3': [], '5-3': []} time = [] dmdt = [] for j in [0, 1]: # once before peak, once after peak # choose more densely sampled curve to map times to 0-1 # less densely sampled curve will be interpolated to match if len(timedict['4-3'][j]) < len(timedict['5-3'][j]): # gamma = 5/3 array more densely sampled interp = '4-3' nointerp = '5-3' else: # will also catch case where they have the same lengths interp = '5-3' nointerp = '4-3' # map times from more densely sampled curves # (both pre & post peak, might be from diff. dmdts) # to 0 - 1 mapped_time[nointerp].append( 1. / (timedict[nointerp][j][-1] - timedict[nointerp][j][0]) * (timedict[nointerp][j] - timedict[nointerp][j][0])) mapped_time[interp].append( 1. / (timedict[interp][j][-1] - timedict[interp][j][0]) * (timedict[interp][j] - timedict[interp][j][0])) # ensure bounds same for interp & nointerp before interpolation # (they should be 0 and 1 from above, but could be slightly off # due to rounding errors in python) mapped_time[interp][j][0] = 0 mapped_time[interp][j][-1] = 1 mapped_time[nointerp][j][0] = 0 mapped_time[nointerp][j][-1] = 1 func = interp1d(mapped_time[interp][j], dmdtdict[interp][j]) dmdtdict[interp][j] = func(mapped_time[nointerp][j]) # recall gfrac = 0 --> gamma = 4/3, gfrac = 1 --> gamma 5/3 if interp == '5-3': # then mapped_time = mapped_time[nointerp] = # mapped_time['4-3'] time53 = (mapped_time['4-3'][j] * (timedict['5-3'][j][-1] - timedict['5-3'][j][0]) + timedict['5-3'][j][0]) # convert back from logspace before adding to time array time.extend(10 ** (timedict['4-3'][j] + (time53 - timedict['4-3'][j]) * gfrac)) else: # interp == '4-3' time43 = (mapped_time['5-3'][j] * (timedict['4-3'][j][-1] - timedict['4-3'][j][0]) + timedict['4-3'][j][0]) # convert back from logspace before adding to time array time.extend(10 ** (time43 + (timedict['5-3'][j] - time43) * gfrac)) # recall gfrac = 0 --> gamma = 4/3, gfrac = 1 --> gamma 5/3 # convert back from logspace before adding to dmdt array dmdt.extend(10 ** (dmdtdict['4-3'][j] + (dmdtdict['5-3'][j] - dmdtdict['4-3'][j]) * gfrac)) else: # gamma_interp == False # in this case, g will still be g from loop over gammas, # but there was only one gamma (no interpolation), # so g is the correct gamma # note that timedict[g] is a list not an array # no longer need a prepeak and postpeak array time = np.concatenate((timedict[g][0], timedict[g][1])) time = 10 ** time dmdt = np.concatenate((dmdtdict[g][0], dmdtdict[g][1])) dmdt = 10 ** dmdt time = np.array(time) dmdt = np.array(dmdt) # ----------- SCALE dm/dt TO BH & STAR MASS & STAR RADIUS ------------- if 'dense_times' in kwargs: self._times = kwargs['dense_times'] # time in days else: print('in fallback, dense_times NOT in kwargs') self._times = kwargs['rest_times'] # bh mass for dmdt's in astrocrash is 1e6 solar masses # dmdt ~ Mh^(-1/2) self._Mh = kwargs['bhmass'] # in units of solar masses # Assume that BDs below 0.1 solar masses are n=1 polytropes if self._Mstar < 0.1: Mstar_Tout = 0.1 else: Mstar_Tout = self._Mstar # calculate Rstar from Mstar (using Tout et. al. 1996), # in Tout paper -> Z = 0.02 (now not quite solar Z) and ZAMS Z = 0.0134 # assume solar metallicity log10_Z_02 = np.log10(Z / 0.02) # Tout coefficients for calculating Rstar Tout_theta = (1.71535900 + 0.62246212 * log10_Z_02 - 0.92557761 * log10_Z_02 ** 2 - 1.16996966 * log10_Z_02 ** 3 - 0.30631491 * log10_Z_02 ** 4) Tout_l = (6.59778800 - 0.42450044 * log10_Z_02 - 12.13339427 * log10_Z_02 ** 2 - 10.73509484 * log10_Z_02 ** 3 - 2.51487077 * log10_Z_02 ** 4) Tout_kpa = (10.08855000 - 7.11727086 * log10_Z_02 - 31.67119479 * log10_Z_02 ** 2 - 24.24848322 * log10_Z_02 ** 3 - 5.33608972 * log10_Z_02 ** 4) Tout_lbda = (1.01249500 + 0.32699690 * log10_Z_02 - 0.00923418 * log10_Z_02 ** 2 - 0.03876858 * log10_Z_02 ** 3 - 0.00412750 * log10_Z_02 ** 4) Tout_mu = (0.07490166 + 0.02410413 * log10_Z_02 + 0.07233664 * log10_Z_02 ** 2 + 0.03040467 * log10_Z_02 ** 3 + 0.00197741 * log10_Z_02 ** 4) Tout_nu = 0.01077422 Tout_eps = (3.08223400 + 0.94472050 * log10_Z_02 - 2.15200882 * log10_Z_02 ** 2 - 2.49219496 * log10_Z_02 ** 3 - 0.63848738 * log10_Z_02 ** 4) Tout_o = (17.84778000 - 7.45345690 * log10_Z_02 - 48.9606685 * log10_Z_02 ** 2 - 40.05386135 * log10_Z_02 ** 3 - 9.09331816 * log10_Z_02 ** 4) Tout_pi = (0.00022582 - 0.00186899 * log10_Z_02 + 0.00388783 * log10_Z_02 ** 2 + 0.00142402 * log10_Z_02 ** 3 - 0.00007671 * log10_Z_02 ** 4) # caculate Rstar in units of Rsolar Rstar = ((Tout_theta * Mstar_Tout ** 2.5 + Tout_l * Mstar_Tout ** 6.5 + Tout_kpa * Mstar_Tout ** 11 + Tout_lbda * Mstar_Tout ** 19 + Tout_mu * Mstar_Tout ** 19.5) / (Tout_nu + Tout_eps * Mstar_Tout ** 2 + Tout_o * Mstar_Tout ** 8.5 + Mstar_Tout ** 18.5 + Tout_pi * Mstar_Tout ** 19.5)) dmdt = (dmdt * np.sqrt(Mhbase / self._Mh) * (self._Mstar / Mstarbase) ** 2.0 * (Rstarbase / Rstar) ** 1.5) # tpeak ~ Mh^(1/2) * Mstar^(-1) time = (time * np.sqrt(self._Mh / Mhbase) * (Mstarbase / self._Mstar) * (Rstar / Rstarbase) ** 1.5) time = time / DAY_CGS # time is now in days to match self._times tfallback = np.copy(time[0]) self._rest_t_explosion = kwargs['resttexplosion'] # units = days # ----------- EXTRAPOLATE dm/dt TO EARLY TIMES ------------- # use power law to fit : dmdt = b*t^xi if self.EXTRAPOLATE and self._rest_t_explosion > self._times[0]: dfloor = min(dmdt) # will be at late times if using James's # simulaiton data (which already has been late time extrap.) # not within 1% of floor, extrapolate --> NECESSARY? if dmdt[0] >= dfloor * 1.01: # try shifting time before extrapolation to make power law drop # off more suddenly around tfallback time = time + 0.9 * tfallback # this will ensure extrapolation will extend back to first # transient time. # requires self._rest_t_explosion > self._times[0] # time = (time - tfallback + self._rest_t_explosion - # self._times[0]) ipeak = np.argmax(dmdt) # index of peak # the following makes sure there is enough prepeak sampling for # good extrapolation if ipeak < 1000: prepeakfunc = interp1d(time[:ipeak], dmdt[:ipeak]) prepeaktimes = np.logspace(np.log10(time[0]), np.log10(time[ipeak - 1]), 1000) # prepeaktimes = np.linspace(time[0], time[ipeak - 1], # num=1000) if prepeaktimes[-1] > time[ipeak - 1]: prepeaktimes[-1] = time[ipeak - 1] if prepeaktimes[0] < time[0]: prepeaktimes[0] = time[0] prepeakdmdt = prepeakfunc(prepeaktimes) else: prepeaktimes = time[:ipeak] prepeakdmdt = dmdt[:ipeak] start = 0 # last index of first part of data used to get power law fit index1 = int(len(prepeakdmdt) * 0.1) # last index of second part of data used to get power law fit index2 = int(len(prepeakdmdt) * 0.15) t1 = prepeaktimes[start:index1] d1 = prepeakdmdt[start:index1] t2 = prepeaktimes[index2 - (index1 - start):index2] d2 = prepeakdmdt[index2 - (index1 - start):index2] # exponent for power law fit xi = np.log(d1 / d2) / np.log(t1 / t2) xiavg = np.mean(xi) # multiplicative factor for power law fit b1 = d1 / (t1 ** xiavg) bavg = np.mean(b1) tfloor = 0.01 + 0.9 * tfallback # want first time ~0 (0.01) indexext = len(time[time < prepeaktimes[index1]]) textp = np.linspace(tfloor, time[int(indexext)], num=ipeak * 5) dextp = bavg * (textp ** xiavg) time = np.concatenate((textp, time[int(indexext) + 1:])) time = time - 0.9 * tfallback # shift back to original times dmdt = np.concatenate((dextp, dmdt[int(indexext) + 1:])) # try aligning first fallback time of simulation # (whatever first time is before early t extrapolation) # with parameter texplosion time = time - tfallback + self._rest_t_explosion tpeak = time[np.argmax(dmdt)] timeinterpfunc = interp1d(time, dmdt) lengthpretimes = len(np.where(self._times < time[0])[0]) lengthposttimes = len(np.where(self._times > time[-1])[0]) # this removes all extrapolation by interp1d by setting dmdtnew = 0 # outside bounds of self._times dmdt1 = np.zeros(lengthpretimes) dmdt3 = np.zeros(lengthposttimes) # include len(self._times) instead of just using -lengthposttimes # for indexing in case lengthposttimes == 0 dmdt2 = timeinterpfunc(self._times[lengthpretimes:(len(self._times) - lengthposttimes)]) dmdtnew = np.append(dmdt1, dmdt2) dmdtnew = np.append(dmdtnew, dmdt3) dmdtnew[dmdtnew < 0] = 0 # set floor for dmdt self._efficiency = kwargs['efficiency'] # luminosities in erg/s luminosities = (self._efficiency * dmdtnew * c.c.cgs.value * c.c.cgs.value) # -------------- EDDINGTON LUMINOSITY CUT ------------------- # Assume solar metallicity for now # 0.2*(1 + X) = mean Thomson opacity kappa_t = 0.2 * (1 + 0.74) Ledd = (FOUR_PI * c.G.cgs.value * self._Mh * M_SUN_CGS * C_CGS / kappa_t) # 2 options for soft Ledd cuts, try both & see what fits stuff better # luminosities = np.where( # luminosities > Ledd, (1. + np.log10(luminosities/Ledd)) * Ledd, # luminosities) luminosities = (luminosities * Ledd / (luminosities + Ledd)) return {'dense_luminosities': luminosities, 'Rstar': Rstar, 'tpeak': tpeak, 'beta': self._beta, 'starmass': self._Mstar, 'dmdt': dmdtnew, 'Ledd': Ledd, 'tfallback': float(tfallback)}