Source code for mosfit.modules.engines.csm

"""Definitions for the `CSM` class."""
from math import isnan
import os

import numpy as np
from astrocats.catalog.source import SOURCE
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator, interp2d

from mosfit.constants import AU_CGS, DAY_CGS, M_SUN_CGS
from mosfit.modules.engines.engine import Engine

# Important: Only define one ``Module`` class per file.

[docs]class CSM(Engine): """CSM energy injection. input luminosity calculation based on with coefficients from There are two major changes in the input luminosity from Chatzopoulos, Wheeler & Vinko (2012): 1. ti is set to a small number, rather than the time it takes the ejecta to reach the csm shell 2. you can fit/choose an efficiency factor between KE and luminosity """ _REFERENCES = [ {SOURCE.BIBCODE: '2012ApJ...746..121C'}, {SOURCE.BIBCODE: '2013ApJ...773...76C'} ] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize module.""" super(CSM, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._wants_dense = True csm_file = (os.path.dirname(__file__)[:-15] + 'models/csm/data/csm_table.dat') ns,ss,Bfs,Brs,As = np.loadtxt(csm_file, delimiter=',',unpack=True) Bfs = np.reshape(Bfs,(10,30)).T Brs = np.reshape(Brs,(10,30)).T As = np.reshape(As,(10,30)).T ns = np.unique(ns) ss = np.unique(ss) self.Bf_func = RegularGridInterpolator((ss, ns), Bfs) self.Br_func = RegularGridInterpolator((ss, ns), Brs) self.A_func = RegularGridInterpolator((ss, ns), As)
[docs] def process(self, **kwargs): """Process module.""" self._s = kwargs[self.key('s')] self._delta = kwargs[self.key('delta')] # [0,3) self._n = kwargs[self.key('n')] # [6,10] self._kappa = kwargs[self.key('kappa')] self._R0 = kwargs[self.key('r0')] * AU_CGS # AU to cm self._mejecta = kwargs[self.key('mejecta')] * M_SUN_CGS # Msol to grms self._mcsm = kwargs[self.key('mcsm')] * M_SUN_CGS self._rho = kwargs[self.key('rho')] self._vph = kwargs[self.key('vejecta')] * 1.e5 self._Esn = 3. * self._vph**2 * self._mejecta / 10. self._rest_t_explosion = kwargs[self.key('resttexplosion')] self._efficiency = kwargs[self.key('efficiency')] self._times = kwargs[self.key('dense_times')] # g**n is scaling parameter for ejecta density profile self._g_n = (1.0 / (4.0 * np.pi * (self._n - self._delta)) * ( 2.0 * (5.0 - self._delta) * (self._n - 5.0) * self._Esn)**( (self._n - 3.) / 2.0) / ( (3.0 - self._delta) * (self._n - 3.0) * self._mejecta)**( (self._n - 5.0) / 2.0)) self._ti = 1.0 # set ti to small number self._Bf = self.Bf_func([self._n,self._s])[0] self._Br = self.Br_func([self._n,self._s])[0] self._A = self.A_func([self._n,self._s])[0] # scaling constant for CSM density profile. self._q = self._rho * self._R0**self._s # outer radius of CSM shell. self._Rcsm = ( ((3.0 - self._s) / (4.0 * np.pi * self._q) * self._mcsm + self._R0 ** ( 3.0 - self._s)) ** (1.0 / (3.0 - self._s))) # radius of photosphere (should be within CSM). self._Rph = abs( (-2.0 * (1.0 - self._s) / (3.0 * self._kappa * self._q) + self._Rcsm**(1.0 - self._s)) ** (1.0 / (1.0 - self._s))) # mass of the optically thick CSM (tau > 2/3). self._Mcsm_th = np.abs(4.0 * np.pi * self._q / (3.0 - self._s) * ( self._Rph**(3.0 - self._s) - self._R0 ** (3.0 - self._s))) # time at which shock breaks out of optically thick CSM - forward shock # power input then terminates. self._t_FS = ( abs((3.0 - self._s) * self._q**( (3.0 - self._n) / (self._n - self._s)) * ( self._A * self._g_n) ** ((self._s - 3.0) / ( self._n - self._s)) / (4.0 * np.pi * self._Bf**(3.0 - self._s)))**( (self._n - self._s) / ( (self._n - 3.0) * (3.0 - self._s))) * ( self._Mcsm_th) ** ( (self._n - self._s) / ( (self._n - 3.0) * (3.0 - self._s)))) # time at which reverse shock sweeps up all ejecta - reverse shock # power input then terminates. self._t_RS = ( self._vph / (self._Br * (self._A * self._g_n / self._q) ** ( 1.0 / (self._n - self._s))) * (1.0 - (3.0 - self._n) * self._mejecta / (4.0 * np.pi * self._vph ** (3.0 - self._n) * self._g_n))**(1.0 / (3.0 - self._n))) ** ( (self._n - self._s) / (self._s - 3.0)) ts = [ np.inf if self._rest_t_explosion > x else (x - self._rest_t_explosion) for x in self._times ] luminosities = [ self._efficiency * (2.0 * np.pi / (self._n - self._s)**3 * self._g_n** ((5.0 - self._s) / (self._n - self._s)) * self._q** ((self._n - 5.0) / (self._n - self._s)) * (self._n - 3.0)**2 * (self._n - 5.0) * self._Bf**(5.0 - self._s) * self._A** ((5.0 - self._s) / (self._n - self._s)) * (t * DAY_CGS + self._ti)** ((2.0 * self._n + 6.0 * self._s - self._n * self._s - 15.) / (self._n - self._s)) * ( (self._t_FS - t * DAY_CGS) > 0) + 2.0 * np.pi * (self._A * self._g_n / self._q)** ((5.0 - self._n) / (self._n - self._s)) * self._Br** (5.0 - self._n) * self._g_n * ( (3.0 - self._s) / (self._n - self._s))**3 * (t * DAY_CGS + self._ti)** ((2.0 * self._n + 6.0 * self._s - self._n * self._s - 15.0) / (self._n - self._s)) * ((self._t_RS - t * DAY_CGS) > 0)) for t in ts ] luminosities = [0.0 if isnan(x) else x for x in luminosities] return {self.dense_key('luminosities'): luminosities, self.key('mcsmth'): self._Mcsm_th / M_SUN_CGS}