Source code for mosfit.modules.datas.transient

"""Definitions for the `Transient` class."""
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
from astrocats.catalog.source import SOURCE
from astrocats.catalog.utils import is_number
from astropy.time import Time as astrotime
from mosfit.modules.module import Module
from mosfit.utils import listify

# Important: Only define one ``Module`` class per file.

[docs]class Transient(Module): """Structure to store transient data.""" _REFERENCES = [ {SOURCE.BIBCODE: '2017arXiv171002145G'} ] _EX_REPS = { 'rad': 'radio', 'xray': 'x-ray' } _OBS_KEYS = [ 'times', 'telescopes', 'systems', 'modes', 'instruments', 'bandsets', 'bands', 'frequencies', 'u_frequencies', 'zeropoints', 'measures' ] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize module.""" super(Transient, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._keys = kwargs.get('keys', '') self._data_determined_parameters = []
[docs] def process(self, **kwargs): """Process module.""" return self._data
[docs] def set_data(self, all_data, req_key_values={}, subtract_minimum_keys=[], smooth_times=-1, extrapolate_time=0.0, limit_fitting_mjds=False, exclude_bands=[], exclude_instruments=[], exclude_systems=[], exclude_sources=[], exclude_kinds=[], time_unit=None, time_list=[], band_list=[], band_telescopes=[], band_systems=[], band_instruments=[], band_modes=[], band_bandsets=[]): """Set transient data.""" prt = self._printer self._all_data = all_data self._data = OrderedDict() if not self._all_data: return name = list(self._all_data.keys())[0] self._data['name'] = name numeric_keys = set() ex_kinds = [self._EX_REPS.get( x.lower(), x.lower()) for x in exclude_kinds] # Construct some source dictionaries for exclusion rules src_dict = OrderedDict() sources = self._all_data[name].get('sources', []) for src in sources: if SOURCE.BIBCODE in src: src_dict[src[SOURCE.ALIAS]] = src[SOURCE.BIBCODE] if SOURCE.ARXIVID in src: src_dict[src[SOURCE.ALIAS]] = src[SOURCE.ARXIVID] if SOURCE.NAME in src: src_dict[src[SOURCE.ALIAS]] = src[SOURCE.NAME] for key in self._keys: subkeys = self._keys[key] req_subkeys = [ x for x in subkeys if not isinstance(subkeys, dict) or 'required' in listify( subkeys[x]) ] num_subkeys = [ x for x in subkeys if 'numeric' in listify(subkeys[x]) ] boo_subkeys = [ x for x in subkeys if 'boolean' in listify(subkeys[x]) ] exc_subkeys = [ x for x in subkeys if 'exclude' in listify(subkeys[x]) ] if (key not in self._all_data[name] and not self._model.is_parameter_fixed_by_user(key)): if subkeys.get('value', None) == 'recommended': self._unset_recommended_keys.add(key) continue subdata = self._all_data[name].get(key) if subdata is None: continue # Only include data that contains all subkeys for entry in subdata: if any([x not in entry for x in req_subkeys]): continue if any([x in entry for x in exc_subkeys]): continue if any([ x in entry and ((isinstance(entry[x], list) and any([ not is_number(y) or np.isnan(float(y)) for y in entry[x] ])) or not isinstance(entry[x], list) and ( not is_number(entry[x]) or np.isnan( float(entry[x])))) for x in num_subkeys ]): continue skip_key = False if 'frequency' not in entry: for qkey in req_key_values: if qkey in entry and entry[qkey] != '': if entry[qkey] not in req_key_values[qkey]: skip_key = True break if key == 'photometry': if ('fluxdensity' in entry and 'magnitude' not in entry and 'countrate' not in entry): self._kinds_needed.add('radio') if ('radio' in ex_kinds or (not len(ex_kinds) or 'none' not in ex_kinds) and 'radio' not in self._model._kinds_supported): continue if (('countrate' in entry or 'unabsorbedflux' in entry or 'flux' in entry) and 'magnitude' not in entry and 'fluxdensity' not in entry): self._kinds_needed.add('x-ray') if ('x-ray' in ex_kinds or (not len(ex_kinds) or 'none' not in ex_kinds) and 'x-ray' not in self._model._kinds_supported): continue if 'magnitude' in entry: # For now, magnitudes are not excludable. self._kinds_needed |= set( ['infrared', 'optical', 'ultraviolet']) skip_entry = False for x in subkeys: if limit_fitting_mjds is not False and x == 'time': val = np.mean([ float(x) for x in listify( entry.get(x, None))]) if (val < limit_fitting_mjds[0] or val > limit_fitting_mjds[1]): skip_entry = True break if exclude_bands is not False and x == 'band': if (entry.get(x, '') in exclude_bands and (not exclude_instruments or entry.get( 'instrument', '') in exclude_instruments) and ( not exclude_systems or entry.get( 'system', '') in exclude_systems)): skip_entry = True break if (exclude_instruments is not False and x == 'instrument'): if (entry.get(x, '') in exclude_instruments and (not exclude_bands or entry.get('band', '') in exclude_bands) and ( not exclude_systems or entry.get( 'system', '') in exclude_systems)): skip_entry = True break if (exclude_systems is not False and x == 'system'): if (entry.get(x, '') in exclude_systems and (not exclude_bands or entry.get('band', '') in exclude_bands) and ( not exclude_instruments or entry.get( 'instrument', '') in exclude_instruments)): skip_entry = True break if (exclude_sources is not False and x == 'source'): val = entry.get(x, '') if (any([x in exclude_sources for x in val.split(',')]) or any([src_dict.get(x, '') in exclude_sources for x in val.split(',')])): skip_entry = True break if skip_entry: continue if ((('magnitude' in entry) != ('band' in entry)) or ((('fluxdensity' in entry) != ( 'frequency' in entry)) and ( 'magnitude' not in entry)) or (('countrate' in entry) and ('magnitude' not in entry) and ('instrument' not in entry))): continue for x in subkeys: falseval = ( False if x in boo_subkeys else None if x in num_subkeys else '') if x == 'value': if not skip_key: self._data[key] = entry.get(x, falseval) else: plural = self._model.plural(x) val = entry.get(x, falseval) if x in num_subkeys: val = None if val is None else np.mean([ float(x) for x in listify(val)]) if not skip_key: self._data.setdefault(plural, []).append(val) if x in num_subkeys: numeric_keys.add(plural) else: self._data.setdefault( 'unmatched_' + plural, []).append(val) if 'times' not in self._data or not any([x in self._data for x in [ 'magnitudes', 'frequencies', 'countrates']]): prt.message('no_fittable_data', [name]) return False for key in list(self._data.keys()): if isinstance(self._data[key], list): self._data[key] = np.array(self._data[key]) if key not in numeric_keys: continue num_values = [ x for x in self._data[key] if isinstance(x, float) ] if len(num_values): self._data['min_' + key] = min(num_values) self._data['max_' + key] = max(num_values) else: if is_number(self._data[key]): self._data[key] = float(self._data[key]) self._data_determined_parameters.append(key) if any(x in self._data for x in [ 'magnitudes', 'countrates', 'fluxdensities']): # Add a list of tags for each observation to indicate what unit # observation is provided in. self._data['measures'] = [( (['magnitude'] if x else []) + (['countrate'] if y else []) + (['fluxdensity'] if x else [])) for x, y, z in zip(*( self._data['magnitudes'], self._data['countrates'], self._data['fluxdensities']))] if 'times' in self._data and (smooth_times >= 0 or time_list): # Build an observation array out of the real data first. obs = list(zip(*(self._data[x] for x in self._OBS_KEYS if x != 'times'))) # Append extra observations if requested. if len(band_list): b_teles = band_telescopes if len(band_telescopes) == len( band_list) else ([band_telescopes[0] for x in band_list] if len(band_telescopes) else ['' for x in band_list]) b_systs = band_systems if len(band_systems) == len( band_list) else ([band_systems[0] for x in band_list] if len(band_systems) else ['' for x in band_list]) b_modes = band_modes if len(band_modes) == len( band_list) else ([band_modes[0] for x in band_list] if len(band_modes) else ['' for x in band_list]) b_insts = band_instruments if len(band_instruments) == len( band_list) else ([band_instruments[0] for x in band_list] if len(band_instruments) else ['' for x in band_list]) b_bsets = band_bandsets if len(band_bandsets) == len( band_list) else ([band_bandsets[0] for x in band_list] if len(band_bandsets) else ['' for x in band_list]) b_freqs = [None for x in band_list] b_u_freqs = ['' for x in band_list] b_zerops = [None for x in band_list] b_measures = [[] for x in band_list] obs.extend( list( zip(*(b_teles, b_systs, b_modes, b_insts, b_bsets, band_list, b_freqs, b_u_freqs, b_zerops, b_measures)))) # Prune extra observations if they are duplicitous to existing. uniqueobs = [] for o in obs: to = tuple(o) if to not in uniqueobs: uniqueobs.append(to) # Preprend times to real observations list. minet, maxet = (extrapolate_time, extrapolate_time) if isinstance( extrapolate_time, (float, int)) else ( (tuple(extrapolate_time) if len(extrapolate_time) == 2 else (extrapolate_time[0], extrapolate_time[0]))) mint, maxt = (min(self._data['times']) - minet, max(self._data['times']) + maxet) if time_unit is None: alltimes = time_list + [x for x in self._data['times']] elif time_unit == 'mjd': alltimes = [x - min(self._data[ 'times']) for x in time_list] + [ x for x in self._data['times']] elif time_unit == 'phase': if 'maxdate' not in self._data: raise(prt.message('no_maxdate', name)) max_mjd = astrotime(self._data['maxdate'].replace( '/', '-')).mjd alltimes = [x + max_mjd for x in time_list] + [ x for x in self._data['times']] else: raise('Unknown `time_unit`.') if smooth_times >= 0: alltimes += list( np.linspace(mint, maxt, max(smooth_times, 2))) alltimes = list(sorted(set(alltimes))) # Create additional fake observations. currobslist = list(zip(*(self._data[x] for x in self._OBS_KEYS))) obslist = [] for ti, t in enumerate(alltimes): new_per = np.round(100.0 * float(ti) / len(alltimes), 1) prt.message('construct_obs_array', [new_per], inline=True) for o in uniqueobs: newobs = tuple([t] + list(o)) if newobs not in currobslist: obslist.append(newobs) obslist.sort() # Save these fake observations under keys with `extra_` prefix. if obslist: for x, y in zip(self._OBS_KEYS, zip(*obslist)): self._data['extra_' + x] = y for qkey in subtract_minimum_keys: if 'upperlimits' in self._data: new_vals = np.array(self._data[qkey])[ np.array(self._data['upperlimits']) != True] # noqa E712 if new_vals.size: self._data['min_' + qkey] = min(new_vals) self._data['max_' + qkey] = max(new_vals) minv = self._data['min_' + qkey] self._data[qkey] = [x - minv for x in self._data[qkey]] if 'extra_' + qkey in self._data: self._data['extra_' + qkey] = [ x - minv for x in self._data['extra_' + qkey] ] return True
[docs] def get_data_determined_parameters(self): """Return list of parameters determined by data.""" return self._data_determined_parameters
[docs] def send_request(self, request): """Send requests to other modules.""" if request == 'min_times': return self._data['min_times'] return []