Source code for mosfit.modules.constraints.tde_constraints

"""Definitions for the `TDEConstraints` class."""
import astropy.constants as c

from mosfit.constants import C_CGS, M_SUN_CGS
from mosfit.modules.constraints.constraint import Constraint

[docs]class TDEConstraints(Constraint): """TDE constraints. 1. rp > rs --> the pericenter radius must be greater than the Schwarzschild radius or the bh will swallow the star whole (no disruption or flare) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize module.""" super(TDEConstraints, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def process(self, **kwargs): """Process module. Add constraints below.""" self._score_modifier = 0.0 self._rp = kwargs[self.key('rp')] # already in cgs self._bhmass = kwargs['bhmass'] self._Rs = (2* c.G.cgs.value * self._bhmass * M_SUN_CGS / (C_CGS * C_CGS)) # Pericenter radius is getting close to Schwarzschild radius # if (self._Rg / self._rp > 0.1): # soft limit # self._score_modifier -= 1000.0**(10.0*(self._Rg / self._rp - 0.9)) self._score_modifier -= 10.0 * (self._Rs / self._rp) ** 3 return {self.key('score_modifier'): self._score_modifier}